Friday, November 26, 2021

A short story about how an agent lost a big geo-farm

As I shared earlier, I can't do the webinar today because I'm sick to the point I can't talk without pain.

(And we've rescheduled for Tuesday at 1pm eastern)

But, I can type.

So I thought I'd share a true story with you about how an agent, we'll call him Frank, lost a big geo-farm...

You'll understand why this story is important in a few minutes...

So here's the story:

Frank is up in the Maryland area.

He farmed a geo-farm for 10 years.

Spent over $100,000.00 over those 10 years farming that area.

He was the dominant agent in that farm.

He had over 50% market share there.

Very, very strong farm.

Made multiple six figures per year.

My colleague Dean Aguilar is a friend of his.

Dean kept chirping in Frank's ear about using marketing methods for farming the way I teach them in my MicroFarming Method.

Using things like video, custom audiences, retargeting.

Not relying on just old-school farming tactics, like postcards.

Frank poo-poo'd these ideas.

Told Dean that he was solid in the farm.


Along came a rookie agent.

We'll call her Shelby.

Young upstart. Hungry. Ready to work.

Willing to try different things.

Shelby started deploying a few of the methods I teach.

(In particular she focused on shooting short videos and promoting them on Facebook to the people living in the geo-farm, with a tool called "Custom Audiences")


Within 6 months she cracked double digit market share.

Within 12 months she was now the dominant agent in that farm.

As for Frank?

Within those same 12 months he no longer had even a single listing there.

After being the dominant agent for 10 years and spending over $100,000 on farming there... all gone in 12 months.

This is the power of using the little-known, but incredibly powerful methods I share.

And this Tuesday I'm going to show you exactly what Shelby did and I will also give you a full blueprint to follow for getting steady new listings.

I'm calling it my 2022 Listing Blueprint.

(It's free, yours if you attend the training).

So, you've got a choice...

You can be like Frank, which makes you vulnerable to the competition.

Or you can be like Shelby, and dominate listings in any geo-farm you choose.

(Even if there is already a dominant agent there).

Here's the link for Tuesday's webinar to save your seat:

2022 Listing Blueprint: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months (Listings Only)

See you Tuesday at 1pm eastern.





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