Monday, November 22, 2021

Your next 7 listings

My buddy Chris Jones shared something cool with me recently.

He took 114 listings last year.

What's cool is that he didn't use ANY of the usual lead sources:

  • FSBOs / expireds
  • Facebook ads
  • Zillow leads
  • Divorce
  • Referrals

He also didn't come into real estate with deep pockets, special connections, or any other unfair advantages.

(He's surprisingly regular.)

But yet he takes 2.2 listings per week 🤯


Answer: His business runs on 3 simple playbooks.

And over the next 3 days, he's sharing them all :)

  • Playbook #1 (Today)
  • Playbook #2 (Tuesday)
  • Playbook #3 (Wednesday)

I want you to use these playbooks to take your next 7 listings. 1x listing per week thru the end of the year.

When I say "playbook" I mean a step-by-step formula you can follow to replicate his results. (I've tested it myself.)

Today, Chris shares playbook #1… How he gets quality listing leads for free.

Webinar Details:
"No-Nurture Listing Leads"
Mon, Nov 22 @ 12:00 PM Eastern

He'll share playbooks #2 and #3 on Tues and Wed respectively.

Each webinar will stand alone, but each playbook stacks on top of the other so you want all three.

Space is limited to 500 seats, so you have to register.

You'll get these downloads just for attending:

⬇️ Chris' free lead source
⬇️ Copy/paste ads
⬇️ All the scripts
⬇️ All listing calculators


And most importantly, Chris will personally walk you through how to use it all to take your next 7 listings.

If you want the playbook but can't attend live, register anyway and I'll send you the replay + all the downloads tomorrow afternoon.

However, you'll want to attend live if you can, because we are giving away something extra that will not be available on the replay. Sorry!





Unsubscribe | Update your profile | 1627 G Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

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