Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Short story about how an agent lost a big geo-farm

If you are serious about getting more listings this year, then you need to read this:

This is a true story about how an agent, we'll call him Frank, lost a big geo-farm...

You'll understand why this story is important in a few minutes...

So here's the story:

Frank is up in the Maryland area.

He farmed a geo-farm for 10 years.

Spent over $100,000.00 over those 10 years farming that area.

He was the dominant agent in that farm.

He had over 50% market share there.

Very, very strong farm.

Made multiple six figures per year.

I kept chirping in Frank's ear about using marketing methods for farming the way I teach them in the MicroFarming Method.

Using things like video, custom audiences, retargeting.

Not relying on just old-school farming tactics, like postcards.

Frank poo-poo'd these ideas.

Said he was solid in the farm.


Along came a rookie agent.

We'll call her Shelby.

Young upstart. Hungry. Ready to work.

Willing to try different things.

Shelby started deploying a few of the methods I teach.

(In particular she focused on shooting short videos and promoting them on Facebook to the people living in the geo-farm, with a tool called "Custom Audiences")


Within 6 months she cracked double digit market share in what was Frank's little commission gold-mine.

Within 12 months she was now the dominant agent in that farm.

As for Frank?

Within those same 12 months he no longer had even a single listing there.

After being the dominant agent for 10 years and spending over $100,000 on farming there... all gone in 12 months.

This is the power of using the little-known, but incredibly powerful methods I share.

And this Thursday I'm going to show you exactly what Shelby did and I will also give you a full blueprint to follow for getting steady new listings.

It's my 2022 Listing Blueprint that I normally only teach to private clients.

(It's free, yours if you attend the training).

With this blueprint you'll have a framework and real strategy for:

  • Adding 36 listings (or more) in 12-18 months
  • Becoming the dominant agent in any farm you choose
  • Generating $250K to $350K in GCI in the next 12 months (counting listings only)

So, you've got a choice...

You can be like Frank, which makes you vulnerable to the competition.

Or you can be like Shelby, and dominate listings in any geo-farm you choose.

(Even if there is already a dominant agent there).

Here's the link for Thursday's webinar to save your seat:

​Listing Blueprint: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months (Listings Only)​

See you Thursday at 3pm eastern.





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