Thursday, April 28, 2022

New Accelerated Method for Getting New Listings (TODAY)

Good morning…


We're going live at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific with today's LIVE WORKSHOP:

Listing Blueprint: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months (Listings Only)

or as I call it internally to my private clients:

​MicroFarming Method: How a Rookie Agent Took a Dominant Agent's GeoFarm​

If you're serious about getting steady new listings, then this training will blow your socks off!

Today I'm showing you exactly how:

  • A rookie upstart agent unseated a dominant agent in a geofarm (the dominant agent had spent 10 years and $100,000.00 farming it with 50%+ market share)
  • Why ANY agent can use the MicroFarming Method successfully ...regardless of your market, your budget, or your experience.
  • You can accomplish this on less than $200 a month (so even if you have a tiny budget, you can still do this)
  • How to get 12 listings (or more) in the next 6 months flat (on top of your current production)
  • How to implement the MicroFarming Method in a way that easily adds $250,000.00 to $350,000.00 Gross Commission Income (GCI) to your business in the next 12 months
  • You can do all this in about 5-10 hours of marketing effort per month (The MicroFarming Method provides extreme leverage - unlike anything I've seen before)

I'm going live today at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific - don't miss it:

​Click HERE To Save Your Seat​

IMPORTANT NOTE: over 357 agents have registered for today's training:

And My GoToWebinar only has 250 seats.

So if you don't want to miss this breakthrough new training, then I encourage to show up at least 10 minutes early and don't leave so you don't lose your seat.


If you attend live, I'm giving away these FREE GIFTS to everyone who shows up live:

  • The MicroFarming Method Playbook (a free PDF that you can use as your cheat sheet for deploying this method and it includes a calendar you should follow) - ($200 Value)
  • My ONE favorite video script you should record for your first introduction video (I'll give this to you written out, word-for-word) - ($300 Value)
  • My 5x5 Video Content Generator Template (it's a 5x5 grid document that sets you up to never run out of video topic ideas) ($200 Value)
  • My Video Teleprompter Cheat Sheet (this is how I record videos quickly without ever having to memorize a video script!) ($70 Value)

These are all yours on the house.

I will show us how to get them during today's workshop.

If you're serious about getting more listings and are at all interested in seeing a BRAND NEW METHOD you can follow using simple videos that costs less than $200 a month to do.....

Do NOT miss this timely training.

I promise you, this is gonna blow your socks off!

Save Your Seat Here >>> Listing Blueprint: Add $350K GCI in 12 Months (Listings Only)

See you at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific TODAY :-)

Let's Get Listings!





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