Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Underpricing a house


It's the biggest fraud in real estate.

Like it or not, we REALTORS have an incentive to underprice.

"Nonsense! We work on commission! Our incentive is to get top dollar!"

Last year in the US, despite the white hot market, the average home for sale was actually underpriced by 4.5%.

That cost the client $17,000.

It only cost the agent, after splits, about $350.

Plus, when we underprice... we sell faster, get paid faster, and look like a hero.

Sellers will tell their friends:

"My REALTOR sold my house in 24 hours. He's a genius!"

What they don't know? Their agent put their home on red tag clearance. Of course it sold.

Pricing a home is hard.

It's even harder in a fast moving market like 2022.

So that's what I'm going to help you with today.

At 12pm eastern, I'm going live with a brand new webinar.

Webinar: The Bulletproof CMA
Tues, April 26 @ 12:00PM Eastern

I'll show you how to accurately price ANY home in ANY market.

And I'll give you an app, so you can do it in less than 15 minutes (100% free).

Why it matters:

  • You'll eliminate underpricing
  • You'll actually understand the CMA
  • And you'll take more listings

My brother and I use the Bulletproof CMA to take 100+ listings per year.

In this webinar, I'll show you our lead source, how to book the appt, and how to use the Bulletproof CMA to get the listing.

Space is limited to 250 seats, so you have to register.


30 minutes into this training, I give you all 4 downloads you need to add 2 or more listings this month...

⬇️ Bulletproof CMA Calculator
⬇️ Appreciation Calculator
⬇️ Free source for no-nurture listing leads
⬇️ Easy script for booking listing appointments

See you there!

-Chris Jones

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