Friday, July 22, 2022

ENCORE Starting Now!: NEW YouTube "Listing Engine" (biggest opportunity of 2022)

Going live with today's impromptu webinar right now:

"New YouTube Listing Engine (Biggest Opportunity of 2022) - Part 2"

Here's the link:

I'm firing up the GoToWebinar room now!


PS - And if you didn't see my previous emails about this yet, here's what I sent out earlier:

Last week I "dropped the bomb" on everyone and showed you how YouTube just changed the game for how agents can get listings.

In a BIG way.

... and on an impromptu webinar last Thursday I demonstrated I've figured out how to take advantage of this.

(It's absolutely frickin' brilliant what they've just done...)

To recap from last week:

It's essentially a "YouTube Listing Engine" that:

  • works on autopilot, 24/7 around the clock
  • you don't need to post videos all the time, just 1-3 videos will do it
  • it'll get us tons of eyeballs for free (literally $0.00 reach!)
  • the data they're making available to us now (for free, might I add) is stunning (like "big brother" stuff) and it makes what Facebook used to give us look like beginner level data
  • it's "set it & forget it" - besides monitoring your traffic numbers and data regularly, it's the closest thing I've ever seen to "passive traffic"
  • you can run this play for a few hundred bucks a month

​... it squarely competes with Facebook (but better...)

(Google - which owns YouTube - has shown it's playing to win in the battle against Facebook)

This is so startling that I originally sat on it for over 3 weeks. To make sure I wasn't wrong.

I'm not.

Tomorrow, I'm doing an impromptu Part 2 live webinar to show you what the changes are (and how to setup a "YouTube Listing Engine").

On tomorrow's live webinar, I'm going to:

  • Recap what I demonstrated last week (in Part 1) - but a bit more polished
  • Then I'm going to login to my Ads Manager and show you how this works on the back-end of YouTube (so you can get a grasp of how the "buttons behind it" work)
  • Then I'm going to go through a list of 7 different "angles" and "niches" you can easily apply this to for getting listings
  • I'm then going to go through a "Word-Perfect Video Script" for what you need to say in a video that'll make the YouTube Listing Engine work for you
  • I'll give everyone who attends the webinar the Word-Perfect Script
  • And I'll also give everyone a worksheet that I'll fill in live during the webinar so you can use it and follow it for yourself

It's gonna be an "ugly" webinar since it's brand new and I haven't had time to make it pretty.

But the content itself is solid gold.

I'm gonna do this tomorrow at 3pm eastern.

It'll take about 60-90 minutes.

If I were you, I would not miss this because YouTube just opened the floodgates to a BIG-time opportunity for us.

​Click here to register your seat.​





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