Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Bulletproof CMA

Big news...

Later today, I'll be going live to share a brand new webinar.

In it, I'm sharing my entire CMA playbook, step-by-step.

Webinar: The Bulletproof CMA
Tues, July 19 @ 12:00PM Eastern

Correctly pricing a home is 1 of the top 3 skills every agent should have in their bag.

Unfortunately, most agents don't.

They use the old, broken method we all learned in real estate school.

Or they use the 1-click "cloud CMA" (which is based on the same method).

It sucks!

There is a better method, though, and it's easy once you understand.

I call it the Bulletproof CMA.

You can use it to get an airtight value on ANY property in ANY market.

And I'm going to give you the app 100% free so you can do it in <15min.

There's only 250 seats for this webinar, so you have to register.


Once you have this method, I'll show you how to use it to take more listings.

Here's what you'll get in this webinar:

👇 Bulletproof CMA Method
👇 Bulletproof CMA App
👇 Free source for no-nurture listing leads
👇 Easy script for booking listing appointments

Hope to see you there. It's going to be epic!

-Chris Jones

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