Saturday, July 23, 2022

4 Free Downloads + YouTube Listing Engine Replay

Hey, it's Andrey here....

During this week's BRAND NEW training on the YouTube "listing engine" that's now available to real estate agents, I promised to share 3 PDF resources (that you see me work through during the webinar):

  • The NEW YouTube "Listing Engine" framework
  • 7 YouTube Listing Engine Angles/Niches
  • a "Word-Perfect" Video Script for YouTube

Here they are!

(please make a copy of these and you can edit your copy - you won't be able to edit these links because they are the master file):

Resource #1: NEW YouTube Listing Engine Framework PDF

Resource #2: 7 YouTube Listing Engine Angles/Niches

Resource #3: "Word-Perfect" Video Scripts for YouTube

If you don't remember how to use these, just watch the replay so you can see me go through them again and follow along with your copy.

Please make it a PRIORITY to:

  1. Watch the replay
  2. Understand the PDF worksheets
  3. Launch a YouTube "Listing Engine" campaign just the way I teach it

... BECAUSE, this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity right now...
While most agents still don't know about it and it's not crowded.

This window of opportunity is gonna last for 6-18 months.

First mover advantage is going to be EVERYTHING on this play.

Those who get this going now, are going to earn the lion's share of the commission pie that this will produce over the next 3-5 years.

Click Here NOW To Watch The Replay so you can get this play going for yourself ASAP!

Enjoy :-)

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