Thursday, March 23, 2023

Contacts -> contracts

Have you said any of the following recently?

Lead flow has slowed down.

The cost per lead has gone up.

The lead quality is not good.

What can you do to continue to grow your business when the market has clearly adjusted?

My good friend Grant Wise is a growth marketing expert that consults the top 1% of real estate teams in the US and Canada, and he's going to show us all exactly how to win in this market.

Enter state left: Grant Wise's Contacts to Contracts Challenge

Grant recently helped us make a few tweaks to OUR business, to help us turn our existing database into commission dollars. The results were INSANE.

Here's what we learned: All of us already have the leads we need to get more sales.

That's what this challenge is all about.

Grant is going to show you what he's coached top 1% teams to do right now, while everyone else struggles.

You'll learn...

  • 2-3 simple strategies to engage your database
  • Grant's exact copy/paste emails
  • How have more conversations about selling right now

And what's great about what Grant will show you is it's not a one-off trick. You can rinse and repeat every month forever to keep getting results.

Click here to register for the challenge

It's 100% free and all virtual.

March 27-30 @ 2:00PM eastern each day.

(Btw that's this coming Mon to Thurs.)

Grant will be recording the challenge, but you have to register to get access to the replays. And he'll be taking the videos down at the end of the week so don't miss it.


-Chris Jones

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