Thursday, March 30, 2023

STARTING NOW: Add $100K+ in Listing Commissions in 2023

Heads up!

Andrey just went live for today's training.

Click to join now - Add $100K+ in Listing Commissions in 2023
Officially starts at 1:00pm eastern

If you don't know what this is about and somehow missed yesterday's email, then here it is below…

— Yesterday's Email —

Cool share today from my buddy Andrey.

Meet Michael Smith...

  1. Real estate agent in South Carolina
  2. Brand new to real estate
  3. Spent hours "prospecting" with no engagement
  4. Needed to get traction

That's when he joined one of Andrey's webinars and hired him to help.

Problem: No momentum and needed something to jump start his listing business.​

Result: He cashed $72K in commissions after implementing just one of Andrey's ideas.

​Unlike what most coaches tell you, you don't have to spend $10,000 a month on marketing to get steady listings.

There's a radically different way that costs way less money and takes way less time to get results. It's called Pixel Prospecting and Social Signaling.

And you can get just as good results as the "big names" spending $10,000 a month.

Andrey's goal right now is to help 100 agents jump-start listing flow quickly.

Just like Michael did.

Want him to help you do the same?

Here's what to do next:

  1. Save your seat for the free live webinar Andrey is hosting and teaching tomorrow (Thursday) at 1pm eastern
  2. Bring a notepad and pen because Andrey is going to be covering actual frameworks and checklists of how to take action and set this up for yourself.

Click HERE To Save Your Seat

Also everyone who attends LIVE will get the following resources:

  1. A PDF report of the methods Andrey shares on the live training, so you can have an easy reference document
  2. The Word-for-Word video script Andrey had Michael start with
  3. A recording of the training
  4. Full slide deck from the training

Listing Blueprint: Add $100K+ In Listing Commissions in 2023 (Step-by-Step Training)


-Chris Jones

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