Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Classified ads playbook (replay + cheat sheet)

Two quick things...

Thing #1

Yesterday, I unveiled a brand new webinar entitled Limitless Listing Leads.

In it, I shared a simple copy/paste classified ad we run (for free) to get 9-10 listing appointments per month.

💻 Limitless Listing Leads (Replay)

It's available for 24 hours only. Feel free to fast forward and rewind!

Thing #2

Want the cheat sheet? It includes an outline of today's webinar, plus links to all the resources you'll need to get started.

📝 Download the cheat sheet (Google Doc)


-Chris Jones

P.S. - There are a few new demo slots that haven't been taken yet. Skip to the end of the webinar for that link ;)

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