Tuesday, May 16, 2023

How Martin got his first 11 leads and a $380K listing from 1 ad

I'll never forget the time Martin Walker came to us for help with his marketing.

His situation was challenging:

  1. Small market in Arkansas
  2. All the listings are cornered by the local "rockstars"

We gave him our simplest marketing playbook.

Here's how it works:

  • Take 1 copy/paste ad
  • Post to 3 classified sites
  • Rinse & repeat 4x

Within 7 days He got 11 new leads and signed a listing for $380K.

That's $11K in commissions from 1 ad, which you can post for free on various classified sites.

Just so happens this is the same playbook my brother and I use to take 80% of our listings.

Want the copy/paste ad?

We're sharing the ad and the posting process in a free webinar today.

Webinar: Limitless Listing Leads
Tuesday, May 16 @ 12:00pm eastern

Here's what you'll get for joining.

  • Copy/paste ad
  • The process for where/how to post it
  • My script for booking listing appointments
  • My CMA app

There's only 250 seats, so you'll need to register.


Some other fun facts about my classified ad playbook.

  • You can rank #1 on google in ~5min
  • We've closed $1M+ deals from free classified ads
  • We close more deals from Craigslist that from FB ads and Zillow leads combined

If you're not exploiting your local classified sites for listing appointments you're missing out.

See you there!

-Chris Jones

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