Sunday, May 19, 2024

We took ALL your risk away…

Late last year, I did something most would call CRAZY…

I opened the doors to Listing Academy for a 7-day risk free trial…

Meaning I gave away 7 day access to my entire coaching program before you decide to buy.

You get all the high-valued content for building powerful listing-getting systems, access to me for 1:1 help when needed, and all my "$500k a Year Blueprint" methods templates, scripts, funnels, and content strategies…

…and the agents who did the trials could have walked away without paying us a penny… but almost all of them decided to lock arms with the community after seeing everything for themselves.

For those who entered the 7-day trials, they were able to:

▶️ Dive deep into our iu-depth training modules

▶️ Strategize with me in our live weekly group calls

▶️ Get FULL access to my groundbreaking $500K a Year Listing System method and systems…

… and if they weren't utterly astonished with the value, they could just walk away risk-free.

… and if they loved what they saw, they would join.

No strings attached.

We essentially eliminated ALL the risk to try my system out, before making a buying decision.

And here's the thing:


They experienced the power of my program hands-on, felt the impact, and knew without a shadow of doubt — they were EXACTLY where they needed to be.

So, they not only stayed… they committed.

Why did I take such a gamble?

Because I've poured years of dedication, innovation, and sheer grit into crafting a program that's BUILT DIFFERENT.

Most coaching platforms want you to invest big money up front before getting any help or seeing any of their methods...

But I know just how powerful my $500K a Year Listing System methods and strategies are.

And that's why I'm not afraid to lay it all on the line.

Why don't others in our industry do this?

Because their programs simply aren't built like mine. They get refunds.

Now, after witnessing the remarkable success of the trial experiment last year…

I'm doing it AGAIN to help real estate agents take their listing business and income to the next level in 2024.

This is NOT for everyone.

I can only accept 300 trials at once.

So I can be sure we deliver a high quality experience to our community.

We're rolling this out to just 300 "ready to go" real estate agents who are hungry to get more listings and grow your income quickly!

If that's you, and you're ready to experience my flagship listing coaching program RISK-FREE for 7 days before you fully commit…

Tap Here & enter your info to be "first in line" for when I open the doors!

I want YOU to experience firsthand, without any risk, what a RADICALLY different way looks to get steady new listings, consistently and predictably.

If you're ready to take the leap, click here & enter your info to be put on the waiting list and be first in line.

I can't wait to welcome you inside the program this week,

Andrey "try it for yourself" Polston






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