Wednesday, June 26, 2024

3 Day Listing Challenge (next week)

Hey, it's Andrey here...

Just a reminder hosting a live 3 Day Listing Challenge next week, to kick off July.

Each call will be live at 12 noon eastern, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

(July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd)

During this 3 Day Listing Challenge, I'll be launching a campaign live while you get to "look over my shoulder". \

Meaning I'll be sharing my screen, building, and launching a listing getting campaign for one of my listing methods live in front of you.

I'll also be teaching why I'm doing it the way I'm doing it, and I'll be answering Q&A.

There is no cost for this.

Simply show up, follow along, and learn.

Here's the link:

(Please save this email & link so you don't miss these calls)


PS I'm committing the month of July to a "Financial Freedom for Realtors" theme. Putting out as much useful content and training as I can to help you with getting more listings. This free 3 Day Listing Challenge is the kick off for that.

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