Monday, June 10, 2024

Get 3 Listings for $3k (DFY Program)

Hey, it's Andrey here...

If you want to quickly add 3 signed listings (with a guarantee) and enter this summer with strong momentum, then read this email and hit REPLY to connect with me.

Here's the basics:

  • Normally our done for you program is $7,200.00
  • I've created a simplified lean version for $2,997
  • This program comes with a 30 day money back guarantee
  • We guarantee 3 signed listings (so it's basically $3k to get 3 listings)
  • This is us implementing my Core 4 Listing Methods s for you - you just record the video scripts, we get it all setup (done for you)

This is limited to 5 spots this month for this $2,997.00 offer.

So if you'd like to speak about this and lock in one of the 5 spots, hit REPLY to this email and let me know.

If you'd like to simply record the videos and we setup everything else so you can quickly get 3 new listings going into the summer with momentum, email me back right away.

Comes with a 30 day full money back guarantee - so you have nothing lose.

Limited to 5 spots, I'll be getting back to replies in the order I receive them.

Let's Get Listings...

Listing Academy, LLC
Modern Listing Systems (MLS)

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