Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Soft reminder: Pipeline Pro Tools is selling out in markets all over the U.S. If you want to get our lead generation tools, get it this week or it could be too late. Here's the link to check availability in your market: http://www.guerillarealty.com/check

Hey all,

Let's talk high level principles for a minute.

I see lots of agents fail for no other reason than a faulty mindset.

They had all the tools, opportunities, mentors, and knowledge to succeed. Yet they failed and quit real estate. Why? They were mentally week. It's sad, but mindset is the #1 reason why people quit on their goals.

We are devoting all of May to mastering your mindset. The tools, tricks, tactics you can use to build a bulletproof mind that eats failure for breakfast and keeps pushing forward toward your goals -- no matter what.


Want to build a bulletproof mind? First you need to develop the skill of "vision".

In order to achieve something, you have to see it first — not in the sense of seeing a physical reality, but of seeing the end result in your mind's eye. 

I'm not talking about some mind-over-matter voodoo nonsense or psyching yourself into super-achievement.

What I'm referring to is the simple principle that anything you create (in this case, your business) will be given life once you can see it clearly in your mind.  The more clearly you see it, the likelier you are to achieve it.

In the 1950s Roger Bannister, a medical student at Oxford University, had a very specific goal: to break the 4-minute mile barrier in running.  

In those days, the 4-minute mile was considered by most athletes and the physiologists of that day to be  unachievable.  Nobody had ever done it.  Therefore, it must be impossible.

But Roger was not convinced by the doubters.  In fact, he was determined to achieve it.

So Roger approached his mission scientifically and deliberately, setting an intense workout program for himself with specific training scheduled for every single day.  As he trained, he achieved several intermediate goals.  Then one day it finally happened.

Roger ran the mile with a time of 3:59.4!  Not only did he break the 4-minute barrier, but he broke through a psychological barrier as well.  

You see... a mere 46 days later, John Landy, who had never gotten within a second of the 4-minute barrier before, suddenly surpassed Bannister's time with a 3:57.9.

By the end of 1957, 16 other runners had broken the 4-minute miles barrier.

Why could everyone run faster all of a sudden?  Because after it could be seen, it could be achieved.  What set Roger Bannister apart from the rest was his ability to see his goal clearly, even though it had never been accomplished before.

He focused on his own vision and not on what he was told by those around him.  He was able to accomplish the seemingly impossible because he allowed himself to see it very clearly, and then he methodically and scientifically took the steps required to achieve it.

Here is why I shared that story with you:  It's important to have as much detail as possible in your vision.  Take the time to imagine your ideal real estate practice.  

Picture all the details.  

Dream until you see it all in your mind's eye.  Think of it as writing and starring in your own mental movie.

Close your eyes right now and visualize your perfect real estate practice.

Pull out a notebook and write all the details down on paper. You can throw the paper away when you're done.

The key is visualizing your goals. You'll be one step closer to making them a reality.

We'll talk more mindset stuff in the days to come.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

Guerilla Realty
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