Saturday, November 30, 2019


Hey all,

One last email regarding our insane Black Friday deal (which ended last night)...

We did not have enough demo spots to keep up with demand this week, and we're sorry.

I even jumped in and opened up my personal schedule to take demos this week, and it still wasn't enough!

We want to make it up to you so, if you missed the deal because our demos were overbooked, there are two options for you...

Option #1 - Our team came together last night and decided to open 4-5 more demo spots today. You can grab one at the link below.

>>> Grab a demo slot <<<

Don't wait. These slots will all likely be gone within 10 minutes of sending this email... so

Option #2 - We're going to do something awesome for you on cyber monday. It will NOT be the same deal, and no it won't be quite as good. But it will be GOOD I promise.

While we are giving demos today, the BLACKFRIDAY code will still be good. Instead it will expire at 7pm today NO EXCEPTIONS.

Have a great weekend.

-Chris Jones

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