Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday replay (.mp4)

Earlier today I did my 3rd webinar of the week.

I walked you through #1 gold mine for quality leads: Facebook Marketplace. Here's the replay link...

-> FB Marketplace Playbook - Webinar Replay (.mp4)
Includes download of my actual scripts & copy/paste ads

I will be taking it down n 48hrs.

Now I'm gonna be brutally honest with you.

80% of the agents who watch the training will...

1. Watch my entire process
2. Know it will work for them

And then...

3. Do nothing

Eighty percent of people in any situation are NOT action takers. Don't be one of them.

You can't build a thriving real estate practice in one day, but you CAN take the first step.

If you need lead capture tools, check out our ridiculous Black Friday deal on Pipeline Pro Tools.

We're going to do our part -- giving you a reason to act TODAY rather than 6 months from now -- now you have to do your part.

My recommendation? Don't jump in with your eyes shut. Get a demo. Our demos are maybe one of the coolest things we do as a company. 15min of straight value.

You'll find your lead number and then see 1-2 instances of how YOU could generate leads with Pro Tools in YOUR business.

-> Get a quick 15min demo

Plus if you book a demo and show up we'll give you 1 of our top 3 internal lead gen playbooks free. Yours to keep forever.


-Chris Jones

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