Monday, September 2, 2024

I just saved BIG on my health insurance (Please Read)

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you and your loved ones are having a good and safe weekend.

I have something that may help you save considerable money on your health insurance, so please read this carefully.

As solo-preneurs, we have to navigate a lot of things on our own.

One of those things is health insurance.

I just recently saved a lot of money on my health insurance...

(Why does that sound like a Geico commercial? lol!)

So one of my brothers recently started a career in the health insurance industry.

He's given me an education on the "in's & outs" of health insurance recently in a way that I finally understand how it all works.

(I never really did quite understand it before).

Not only is my health insurance coverage incredible now - the price I have it for is unbelievable to me!

(Considering what I was paying before...)

So get this:

I'm now paying just $276 per month for my health insurance policy.

Normally my standard policy would be $208/mo ... but I maxed out all my possible benefits, so it's $276 per month.

My health insurance benefits include:

  • I have a zero deductible (prior to this I thought have a zero deductible was not possible)
  • I have no co-pay (again, another thing I though simply didn't exist before my brother showed me what's possible)
  • I'm on a PPO network (nationwide!)
  • My max "out of pocket" ever is $3,000 (in case of a catastrophic event in my life)
  • I now get incredible "critical illness benefit" (they'll actually send me a lump sum check - cash in the bank - in case of a catastrophic event)

For solo-preneurs like us, every dollar counts.

Because dollars we spend on things like insurance takes away from what we can spend on growing our business.

And we have to navigate all that.

So if you'd like to see what's possible for you with health insurance options, book a free consultation with my brother, Joseph.

He'll walk you through what's possible for you so you can see your options.

Click the link below to see Joseph's calendar and book a time to speak with:

Goes without saying, but this is a no hassle, no pressure, free consultation to see what you could qualify for with the provider he represents.

(And see how much money you might be able to save on health insurance for you, your family, and dependents)

To be clear:

My price of insurance my not be your price. I'm just letting you know what I was able to get.

Considering how much money I'm saving now, this is too good to not share with my community.

And that's just for me solo...

I can't imagine how much money someone might be able to save if you have a family!

Again, here's the link to book your call and see what your options are:

Happy Savings & Peace of Mind to You! :-)

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