Friday, April 7, 2023

I hate calling leads

I hate calling leads.

I generate ~130 qualified leads per month.

I have signed as many as 114 listings in 1 year.

And still, when I call leads...

My palms sweat. My throat tightens. I imagine the worst.

What if they cuss me out?

What if they hang up on me?

What if...

Until now. Introducing... Hatcher.

Our newest app is an ultra minimal CRM.

And it's my own secret weapon for overcoming "call reluctance".

This 1 tool has tripled my conversion rate (no exaggeration).

Want to see me use the app?

It takes 5min to setup and start making calls.

Here I screen recorded the whole process.

Click here to watch and get the app (<12min)


-Chris Jones

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