Thursday, April 6, 2023

Your new listing business not growing? (Answer inside)

[If your a real estate agent whose new listing business is not growing consistently, then read this carefully.]

I sent out a survey a few days ago, asking about your listing business.

Answers came flooding in...

The first question I asked was:

"What drives you INSANE about trying to get new listings?"

Here are a handful of the answers:

  • "No return call"
  • "The time it takes to create content and market it"
  • "Competing with agents that flat-out lie about what's important. I lost a listing last year to an agent that dazzled the sellers with his promise of an email blast to other agents."
  • "Lack of quality leads and ineffective follow up systems."
  • "Feeling like a used car salesman"
  • "High cost"
  • "Another agent always seems to get to them before I do."
  • "Mailing to get listings when your pipeline is dry"
  • "Not quality leads and my conversion."
  • "Sellers look down up on agents"
  • "People lying to me telling me they don't want to list…..then they list with someone else."
  • "Trying to follow up with elusive leads."
  • "Cold calling"
  • "Time consuming / trying to stand out above the noise"
  • "People not answering the phone"
  • "So much competition"
  • "Seller leads ghosting you after initial contact"

Notice a theme?

Every single one of these answers (and the rest I didn't post in this email) are all symptoms.

They are not the root cause.

Said differently:

These answers are where you, as an agent, are feeling the pain in the "body of your business". So you think that's the problem, aka "root cause". But it is not.

And until you solve for the root cause, you'll keep feeling symptoms.

You with me?

Now, here's a powerful way to think of "root cause"...

Root Cause: "a hidden constraint you're not aware of that is canceling out all the potential growth of your business"

... and what, pray tell, is the "hidden constraint" behind every single symptom in the bullet point list of "pains" above?

You don't have an Education Based Marketing (EBM) system and process in place that generates a flow of inbound leads and phone calls, 24/7 in the background. Instead, you're doing everything "manually", in spurts and frenzied starts.

You're stuck trying to "force" the growth of your business.

So you're always on the proverbial "hamster wheel".

Running ever faster, moving ever slower.

White knuckling it.


Destination: Burn Out City.

If you can relate to any of the answers on the above list of bullet points, then I know for fact you do not have a predictable and effective listing-getting system and process in place.

And if you think you do have a "system", you don't.

Because if you're feeling any of the symptoms on the above list, then whatever it is you have is more akin to "slavery".

The slavery of the proverbial salt mines most agents find themselves digging in to scratch out a few listings here and there.


Doing more of what is already not working isn't going to make it work.

Do you get that?

Let me show you a better way.

Today at 1pm eastern / 10am pacific.

On a free, live webinar I'm hosting.

Here's what I'll walk you through today:

  • A method any agent can follow to "get famous" with a pocket of people within 90 days that isn't hard or expensive to do
  • The exact blue-print for what a $350,000.00 a year listing business looks like right now in 2023
  • The Education Based Marketing (EBM) System that will eliminate all your symptoms of lack and transform your business into one that generates a steady flow of new listing business

Click Here To Save Your Seat.

You have the power to stop delaying the success and abundance you could be experiencing and living in...

... by simply making a shift and solving for the root cause (hidden constraint) behind all your symptoms.

See you later today.





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