Wednesday, April 5, 2023

One Video Away Challenge call today at 5pm ET / 2pm PT

Just a quick reminder:

Day 3 of 5 for the One Video Away Challenge is today at 5pm ET / 2pm PT.

Here's your Zoom link if you don't have it handy:

Today's session is about recording your first video.

I'm going to cover:

  • the "word-for-word" script I want you to use (I'm giving you the exact video script)
  • my best practices for how to record the video so that it's as engaging as possible (otherwise, no engagement means no leads)
  • how to save hours on trying to record a video and instead be able to record it in 15-20 minutes

If you missed Day 1 & 2, here is the email I sent out with replay link earlier today:

Email with Replay Link:

Again, why am I focusing so much energy and attention on this 5-Day One Video Away Challenge?

Because what I've learned as a listing coach is:

Once an agent launches their very first video campaign successfully, you're MUCH more likely to take action on, and succeed with, the rest of listing-getting methods.

Sorta like breaking your own "4-Minute Mile Barrier" on your beliefs about whether you can do this stuff or not... much like Roger Bannister broke the actual 4-minute mile barrier years ago for runners.

That's what this 5 Day One Video Away Challenge is really all about...

... you building the evidence for yourself that "Yes!, I actually can do this advanced video marketing stuff and succeed with it!"

Because then all kinds of big doors of opportunity swing open for you.

And like someone once said:

"Little hinges swing big doors"...

Well, the little hinge that's gonna swing a really big door of listing-getting opportunity open for you is getting your first video up and running.

Which is why I say... "you're just one video away from changing your entire real estate business and how you get listings".

See you at 5pm ET / 2pm PT.





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