Sunday, April 2, 2023

Something different, but REALLY COOL! (The Masculinity Summit)

This might be the best email you get all week!

While it's not about real estate and getting listings - which as you know is what I obsess over 80% of the time...

... marketing tactics, strategies, and methods are actually only HALF the battle to creating sustainable success.

The other half, in one word, is Mindset.

Something that can help BIG TIME with this is attending the The Masculinity Summit starting this week, hosted by my friend Fabiano.

It's a virtual summit, much like my Get Listings Summit I hosted 3 years in a row...

And just like my summit from back in the day, his summit is FREE :-)

On his summit he diving with speakers and leaders on the topics of masculinity, mindset, and the purpose of life.

While how we make our money is as real estate agents - we live our lives as humans.

And if you want to uncover insights for powerful living, then grab your free ticket to The Masculinity Summit.

While anyone can attend, the important thing about this summit is it's focused on serving men by showing how to "break the chains of the Nice Guy" and live the life you truly want to live.

Every leader interviewed weighs in on their experience with the Nice Guy Syndrome and they share…

  1. What worked for them to break free of those chains
  2. How they advise men to do the same
  3. Empowering insights they've learned on their journey
  4. Tactics and strategies you can implement immediately into your life

Also… the host of The Masculinity Summit, Fabiano, is making it FREE to attend so we can reach and impact as many men as possible and not have money be the reason a man isn't able to access the wisdom, tools, and strategies we've all come together to contribute.

This is a free virtual summit - meaning NO travel or lodging cost :-) - you can watch it from your couch or office!

Get your free ticket here:

(Full Disclosure: there is an opportunity to upgrade from a free ticket to a paid ticket in exchange for access to some additional resources and live Q&A with All-Access Pass speakers, but you do NOT need to buy to the All-Access Pass in order to attend the summit and ALL the interviews will be available to you at no charge. The paid ticket is optional and available if it aligns with your life)

I'll be sending more about the summit in a few days…

But for now, just wanted to give you the heads up so you can lock in your complimentary ticket and save the dates for The Masculinity Summit.

Here to serve…




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