Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Here's how you can add $350K in the next 12 months (listings only)

Tomorrow I'm demonstrating 3 "Set It & Forget It" tactics for getting more listing appointments that work immediately when you use them...

... plus I'll show you, step-by-step, 3 simple strategies you can use to get more listing opportunities...

...So you can add $350K GCI to your bottom line in the next 12 months - and make that your new baseline.

Meaning, make that level of additional income your new normal income - not just a one-time nice extra.


I'm sharing all of this LIVE this week.
Thursday at 1pm ET.
Listing Launch Method: 3X-5X Listing Appts & $350K GCI In 12 Months




In fact, here's what you're gonna get if you attend live:

  1. You'll get a copy n' paste document of 3 emails you can send out to your database & leads immediately after the training on Thursday that will get engagement
  2. You'll get a simple template for a Power Point video you can screen record on any computer/laptop that generates steady engagement and listing appointments
  3. You'll get a short PDF playbook of everything I'll be showing you on the training

On this LIVE WORKSHOP this Thursday at 1pm ET, I'm sharing:

  • How to eliminate all guesswork and make adding $350K GCI in 12 months predictable and consistent
  • 3 simple, yet effective, systems you can setup that run pretty much on auto-pilot and get you steady listings
  • How to 3X - 5X your listing appointments with 3 simple "set it & forget it" tactics that work immediately when used
  • I'll be showing you my entire Listing Launch Method - because it works in any type of market, for any agent, on any budget, and for any level of experience
  • How you can add $350K GCI in the next 12 months, step-by-step, WITHOUT buying expensive leads, cold-calling, chasing prospects, or wasting your time with dead-end ideas and technology

Plan on about 2 hours for this in-depth, tactical training - I'll be going through all the key steps in detail because I want you to have a solid listing-getting game plan for the rest of this year (and beyond).

My friend, if you'd like to get an increase in steady new listings WITHOUT wasting money, time. or effort... then this is for you.

Don't miss this. Click here to save your spot.

Let's make rest of 2022 a listing-breakthrough for you!




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