Sunday, July 3, 2022

Your first liquid $100K is the most important (and the hardest)

While we're celebrating Independence Day weekend, I've been reflecting on financial independence in our lives.

One of my most important lessons on this journey is:

Your first $100,000. Liquid. Sitting in your bank account. Is probably the "game-changer" financially speaking.

I'm saying "net-net".

So this is $100,000 sitting in your bank after ALL expenses, including:

+ marketing
+ software, tools, and technology
+ any staff or team you have
+ splits and payouts with your broker and referral partners
+ personal life (food, mortgage/rent, clothes, etc,.)
+ and the biggie: taxes

Said differently:

Getting to having $100,000 free and clear, completely yours, without it being spoken for in any way, is the game-changer milestone for financial independence.

With $100,000 free and clear:

  • we can breath easy about having a down swing for a few months
  • we are not taking action out of desperation or fear
  • we can now approach everything in your business with an abundance mindset
  • we don't have to make any rushed or hurried decisions - our actions are much more measured and thoughtful
  • we are able to take intelligent risks without fear of failure
  • we can walk away from vampire clients without breaking a sweat
  • we feel like we're in control of our destiny and future

... and when I say the list of changes and benefits goes on, I do really mean that.

But for solopreneurs like us (real estate agents), getting to the first $100,000 free and clear is the most elusive and hardest...

In big part because:

We don't have a system, strategy, or process in place that gets momentum fast enough to hit "escape velocity" financially.

Like that point when an airplane is moving fast enough to lift off the runway... and it escapes gravity pulling it down.

Well, we usually are getting dragged down by the "gravity" of expenses, costs, not having enough time work with clients and prospect, not having any real leverage in our business.


If you can just do ONE thing that will catapult you to having $100,000 liquid it would be this:

Setting up a strategy & system that gets you BIG LEVERAGE so you can GET MOMENTUM and get that d*mn airplane off the runway once and for all...

... meaning, you hit that $100,000 net-net.

If you've not heard of my Listing Launch Method, I'd encourage to learn it.

Because it can get you the leverage you need to generate the momentum that'll propel you forward financially fast enough to hit that game-changing $100K mark.

I've distilled my Listing Launch Method down to a 33-minute training and you can still watch it here.

This webinar recording covers my Core 3 Methods for getting listings, which combined together, is the Listing Launch Method.

You can still watch it for free here.

Video comes down Monday at midnight.


Hitting $100,000 net-net is an absolute game-changer... and with the right system and strategy in place, you can achieve this in 6-9 months.

Watch this video to see how you can do it.

To your financial independence.





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