Wednesday, July 6, 2022

$12 million agent (1-time-replay)

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The "20-Listing Pyramid".

Chances are, you've never heard of it.

It's a simple theory that proves that any agent can do $12M in volume if they take 20 listings.

20 listings will results in 10 buyers, which will result in 5 new referrals.

35 deals @ median sale price of $368K = $12.8M volume

(Some of you are in cheaper markets. You may need 25+ listings, but the pyramid ratios still hold.)

It's a great theory, but of course, the hard part is getting 20 listings.

Earlier today, I did a BRAND NEW webinar sharing the system my brother and I use to 100+ listings per year.

The Ultimate Listing Engine (1-Time-Replay)

You can easily follow it to take 20 listings/year and therefore become a $12M agent.

Want the replay and all the downloads?

Click here to watch the replay now <<<<

Here's what you'll get for attending:

⬇️ My listing lead source (free)
⬇️ My Bulletproof CMA app (free)
⬇️ My complete Listing Presentation (free)

You can execute the whole 100% free without buying anything.

All the best,

-Chris Jones

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