Monday, July 4, 2022

Let's get more listings? ("Nothing ventured, nothing gained")

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Words we can win with.

Because the "world does indeed favor the bold".

Not doing anything with the insights, knowledge, and listing-getting game-plan I share in this 33-Minute Listing Crash Course is 100% risk-free.


But not doing anything also means you watch the opportunity pass you by.

And the timid are never successful.

The timid may never taste bad failure, but they never taste great success either.

Going through life luke-warm.
Half-assing it.
Piddling at it.

Never playing to win.

A life filled with quiet misery and wishful thinking.

That's not for me.
No sireee.

And if that kind of life isn't for you...
Then take action and do something with what I'm teaching you.

Because "Nothing is Gonna Stick Until You Apply Yourself".

In other words, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".

You don't have to enroll in Listing Academy to use what I teach either.

I make Listing Academy available only for the smartest among you.

Those agents who understand the value of getting momentum quickly so you can succeed 3x, 4x, or even 5x faster than on your own.

Because you also know a dollar today is worth more than $2 dollars tomorrow.

(Especially with the current administration in the White House)

But even for the dullards amongst you, simply take what you learn about my Listing Launch Method in this 33-Minute Listing Crash Course and simply run with it.

Isn't it worth risking a little failure so you can taste some big success?

And for those who want to get there 3x-5x faster... it's only $297/mo to join (normally $497/mo).

And to really put my money where my mouth is...

Enroll in Listing Academy and you get an unheard of two-part guarantee:

  1. You get a full 30-Day Full Money Back Guarantee
  2. Also, if you stick with it for 6 months, implement my Monthly Marketing Map every month for 6 months, and don't have at least 12 new listings from my methods stand-alone in that 6 months, you can cancel and get all 6 months of your membership refunded.

That's how confident I am in my methods.

And if I'm gonna preach "the world favors the bold" then I better walk the talk, right?

Hence my bold guarantee of at least 12 listings within 6 months if you implement my Monthly Listing Playbook every month for 6 months.

Watch the 33-Minute Listing Crash Course while it's still up to see for yourself why I'm so confident in my approach - and see if you don't agree.

(Plus you'll get to see what all I'm offering with your Listing Academy enrollment right now as a FREE Bonuses)

Nothing ventured, nothing gained friends... so your next steps should be one of these two:

  1. Watch the 33-Minute replay here and run with what you learn for free to get more listings, OR...
  2. Watch the 33-Minute replay here, enroll in Listing Academy and succeed 3x-5x faster while I'm essentially making it risk free for 6 months

Yea, again, doing nothing is risk-free.

But doing nothing also guarantees not succeeding, not growing, not learning.

It means shrinking, losing, struggling, never tasting big success.

So, on your own or with me inside Listing Academy, let's get you more listings and great success:

CLICK HERE Before Midnight PST Today.





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