Thursday, December 16, 2021

Are you tired of the real estate "Rat Race"?

Cool share today.

Are you tired of...

- Working countless hours trying to keep deals together?
- Working with low-end clients who can't afford a home and blame Realtors for home prices?
- Dealing with problem (inspections) after problem (financing) after problem (title glitch) on every single sale?

It makes you want to scream!

Then start listing luxury homes!

Here's why:

- Rich people are decisive. They either buy the house or they don't.
- Rich people don't complain about prices. And, when they find a home they like, they just buy it.
- Rich people have the money to deal with problems. Inspection issues? They throw 20 grand at it, and it gets resolved.

And have you seen the checks?

It's crazy, but you can get paid $20,000, $30,000, and even $50,000 on a single sale.

So much better than the $4,500 check you got on the least deal!

But how do you break into the luxury market?

Let my buddy Charles show you.

It's hard to break into the luxury…

But Charles developed a new strategy where luxury sellers will welcome you with open arms.

If you want to see this strategy and discover exactly how it works, then you've got to join Charles on this quick Luxury Listings Workshop here:


-Chris Jones

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