Tuesday, December 14, 2021

[LAB] Preview of Today's LIVE Training at 3pm EST

Hey, it's Andrey here...

Just a reminder that today at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific I'm going live with the first of this month's two bonus training sessions in Listing Academy:

"Friction Free Framework: My Sales Methodology"

Here is your Zoom link (no registration required), just click this a few minutes before 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific today:


Meanwhile, here are a few principle based insights we'll be covering, as a preview of today's training:

  • Normally when we meet resistance (from prospects) to our ideas or plans, we cannot help trying to directly change people's minds by cajoling, corralling, convincing, or coercing in some way...
  • All of which only serves to do one counter-productive thing: it makes people more defensive (because people are naturally stubborn and resistant to influence)
  • Now enter stage the birth of "sales scripts and dialogues", all designed to directly change people's minds through cajoling, corralling, convincing, or coercing
  • Which inadvertently triggers defensiveness and repels our prospects
  • Explaining why most sales & marketing "methods" (very generous use of the word methods there) work only 1-2% of the time, on average. (Typical sales conversion rate, especially in real estate).
  • So our perceived "solutions" - i.e. sales scripts and dialogues - are in fact our own traps. The harder we try, the more we get stuck. Like being in Chinese handcuffs.
  • To get out of Chinese handcuffs, if you know how they work, you have to try different, not harder. Trying harder only locks the handcuffs more.
  • And what I'm going to be teaching you today, my Friction Free Framework, is based upon trying something RADICALLY DIFFERENT instead of simply trying harder (the way most effort based coaches will try to teach you)

If you're enrolled in Listing Academy, you'll get access to the recording of today's training and any associated resources and templates.

(So if you can't make it live, you'll get to see the recording within a few hours after the training is done, in our membership area)

If you're a guest with live one-time only access - you can only get this training by showing up live today at 3pm eastern / 12pm pacific.

Here is the zoom link again:


See you at 3pm eastern today.





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