Monday, December 13, 2021

Do you know of anyone doing this? (looking for a listing guarantee...)

Quick question:

Do you know of any real estate coaches who offer a guarantee with their coaching?

By guarantee, I mean an outcome based guarantee.
Like, "you'll get X number listings in Y time or Z happens".

I ask because to the best of my knowledge I'm the only person I know of who guarantees an outcome if you join my group coaching program.

Here's my guarantee:

I guarantee you 12 listings within 6 months or you'll get ALL your monthly coaching refunded.

Do you know why I can make this kind of offer?

Because I'm not an "effort based coach".
Which is what other coaches do.

They coach you on accountability, doing activities, trying harder, etc,.

I'm pioneering a BRAND NEW style of coaching:
It's called "Resource Based Coaching".

(I believe this is the future of coaching in real estate)

Instead of me telling you to "do more" (effort).
I give you a unique, proven, predictable system (resource).
Show you how to use it, coaching you every month.
And I guarantee an outcome for you.

And even if you don't join my group coaching program (Listing Academy) I'm still giving away one of my core methods for free right now...

Just watch this On-Demand Webinar Training to see how it all works for yourself (and get the details on what I offer in my Resource Based Coaching program, including my unparalleled guarantee):

I'm limiting Listing Academy to 300 spots. In the video you'll understand why I have to do this.

Spots are still available.

Enjoy the video :-)




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